With osteoarthritis, the structure of the spine experiences degenerative and degenerative changes, accompanied by a violation of the anatomical structure of the disc, as well as the function performed by it. One of the common forms of the disease is the osteoarthritis of the cervical spine.
If you believe that the data of statistics, more than half of the global population must be at a degree or a different degree, the severity of the disease's manifestation. As a rule, the average age of the main manifestation of the disease occurs between 30-40 years old.
In case of adverse living conditions, genetic tendencies and stimulating factors, the development of osteoarthritis can be 20-30 years old. Especially if this is facilitated by the static load that lasts on the spine ribs or injury at the back of different severity.
Why is cervical bone dangerous? The complications and its consequences, can a person die from illness?
General clinical imageImportant! The main provocator of pathological formation is unevenly loaded on the spine. This can happen by wearing a heavy bag on a shoulder or just one hand, sitting in an uncomfortable, from the spine, posture, the use of a very soft mattress, large fur to sleep, wear high heels and very high. All this leads to incorrect distribution of the load on the spine.In addition, negative effects are acting by:
Hemorrhagic lowering;
Sedentary lifestyle;
damage the results of the spine, pelvis or limb;
Pathological changes in foot set;
Age aspect.
Other reasons affecting the development of the disease include:
Excessive physical activity;
chronic psychological tension;
Disorders of metabolism;
any type of poisoning;
Gastrointestinal system disease;
Professional harmful effects (for example, they include labor on vibration platform);
genetic factors;
the formation of violations of posture and scoliosis in the stage when the skeleton is in the stage of positive growth;
The shoes are selected incorrectly (very cramped, high heels);
regular use of liquids is not enough;
Nutrition is not appropriate and less, the lack of adequate recognition into the body of all vitamins and trace elements is necessary for it;
chronic nicotine poisoning;
Pregnancy, because this condition is characterized by the shift of the focus.
What threatens the osteoarthritis of the cervical spine in women?
The main clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis:
Pain in the neck, shoulders, ribs;
An uncomfortable, rigid feeling in the movement of the body (changing position, its inclination, turning head);
Muscle growth or vice versa, hypotonus;
the appearance of numbness in the area of the hands, hands and fingers;
Headache, dizziness;
Asthma symptoms;
Strong pain;
the appearance of abnormalities in the area of the above limbs;
the appearance of the spots ahead;
A noisy feeling in the ear.
The opinion of the doctors:
Osteochondrosis cervical is a serious disease that can lead to different complications if you don't pay attention to it. Doctors note that the main reasons for the development of this condition are related to inappropriate posture, sitting lifestyle, excessive stress in the cervical spine. Symptoms of osteoarthritis may include pain in the neck, headache, dizziness, numbness in the hand. Typically, patients complain about hardness in the neck and shoulders. Doctors warn that ignoring these symptoms can lead to compression of nerves, circulatory disorders and even the development of the herniated disc of intervertebral. Therefore, it is important to contact experts in a timely manner to diagnose and prescribe complex treatment, including drugs, physical therapy and special exercises.
Spine damageThe process of pathological processes can be divided into four stages:
During this period, the main changes in the peeling multiplication of the Intervertebral discs begins. Large loads lead to dehydration of the nucleus, so the volume of the disc is significantly reduced and the cracks in the yarn occur. This stage usually has no clinical manifestations. The only alarming symptom may be an uncomfortable feeling in the process of performing operational movements or staying in an unpleasant position.
The continuous reduction in the mass of disks will contribute to reducing the time between the surrounding vertebrae, as well as to carry out the muscle and ligament apparatus of the spine. These changes will lead to the fact that their vertebrae and disks are more moved, which is full of their appearance or sliding. Here, the patient complained about the appearance of the pain, being agitated by changing the body position, by finding in some postures and the effects of the load.
At this stage, the prolapse or protrusion of the affected disk will occur. It is often accompanied by the formation of a sublimation of joints or joints of the joints of the spine. The patient began to complain about the appearance of limitations in the implementation of a series of movements, hardness, abnormalities or numbness in the upper limb. Pain syndrome and localization are limited by the neck area, become more intense and require medication to reduce it.
The body does everything that can level the result of increasing the movement of individual vertebrae, adapting to new conditions that exist related to the normal violation of the spine structures. In areas where the vertebrae are in contact with each other, the growth of bone tissue (bone cells are created so that is formed) for more reliable fixation occurs. But there are regular cases when bone growth causes vertebra injury, the compression of beams. The formation of fiber alkylation of interatorebral joints occurs. If there is no injury or compression of nerve ends, the severity of clinical manifestations may be slightly faded.
Neurological symptoms: pain in the head, neck and back, affecting the brain
Violation of plantsChange of degenerative vertebrae leads to violations of their structure. With the progression of the disease, changes begin to affect blood and nerve structures along the spine.
Attention! The irritation of the nerve root causes the appearance of vascular spasms (vasoconstrictions affect the arteries), due to the disturbing oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Neuropathy ischemia leads to violations of the production of certain hormones, the task includes ensuring the normal operation of the plant system. The result will be the progression of the symptoms of plant dystonia:
Blood pressure fluctuations;
Pain in temples;
Difficult or unable to take a deep breath;
dizziness, synchronous conditions;
Pain behind the breastbone;
Pain in Epigastastia;
The appearance of hands trembling.
Experience of othersOsteochondrosis cervical is a serious disease that many people are talking about. It is dangerous that it can lead to various complications, including blood circulation disorders in the brain and spine. At the same time, the consequences may be extremely serious, to the point of paralysis of the limbs. Reasons for the development of this disease may be incorrect posture, sedentary lifestyle, neck injury, infection. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, noise in the ear, tingling sensation in hand. Therefore, it is important to contact an expert at the first signs to avoid possible complications.
Hypertension and hypotensionThe compression of the neuropathy structures in the cervix causes a violation of blood vessel conservation. The continuous compression of the nerve tissue leads to the fact that the fibers are inability to fully conduct pulses from the brain's pyramid's brain structure.
Attention! In advanced cases, vertebral artery syndrome can be formed. In this case, both hypotension and hypertension may occur.With a combination of osteoarthritis with a high level of vertebra damage and fluctuating in blood pressure, the approach to treatment for this condition is complicated. If there is only one cardiologist to treat such patients, then he will not achieve the normalization of pressure. This may have a parallel effect on pathological changes in the spine. In the absence of an integrated approach, a pressure jump may occur, which causes the development of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.
The danger of the destructive effects on the spine
Headache and weakened nervous systemPain in the first area is one of the common symptoms of this pathology. The use of painkillers only has a positive effect in a short period of time, but there is no removal of the root cause of the disease.
The main factor that leads to the appearance of pain is the sublimation formation of the vertebrae of the neck. In this case, there is a clear compression of vertebral arteries and nearby nerve fibers.
Headache is often. The following symptoms may come with her:
darkness in front of your eyes;
loss of short -term consciousness;
Reduce performance.
SyndromeIn the clinic about osteoarthritis, the following complexes of the syndrome are distinguished:
Compression cervical spine syndrome;
Strong reflex syndrome of pain; Mechanical-Tonic;
Vertebral artery syndrome;
Myelopathy cervical compression.
The effects of therapy and use of medication, their harm to joints
How to prevent a pathologyTo prevent diseases, it is enough to regularly perform a set of exercises. A close choice for gymnastics in the morning or evening:
Press your forehead on your palm and strain your neck muscles. It is required to make three approaches in seven seconds. Then change the direction and press the back of the head in your palm. The number of methods is the same.
Press the temporary area on the left in the left palm, and then repeat the exercise to the right. In this case, you do not need to forget to strain the cervical muscle.
The head throws a little back. Next, you need to press the chin on Fossa Jugular, overcome the resistance of the stretched muscle fibers. The number of methods is five.
The head and shoulders are straightened. It is required to turn the head to the maximum amplitude that can be first on the right, and then to the left side.
Chin sinks into the neck. And the head of the head is also done first in one direction, and then in another direction.
The head throws back. It is required to create a contact with the right ear of the right shoulder, and then vice versa.
All exercises are done five times on each side. They can be done both at home and at work. Especially if the job is associated with a large load on the neck. The starting position can be selected: standing or sitting on a chair. What should not do is perform the circular motion of the head, because you can activate the vertebrae.
Treatment results: As you can get rid of the disease, maybe the complication of the disease and the consequence is dangerous for life
Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease that will not occur over time. Modern medicine cannot be cured to change the degenerative vertebrae. Therefore, the task of the patient and the doctor is to prevent the progression of pathology and complications.
Regular questionsĐiều gì có thể là hậu quả của bệnh xương khớp cổ tử cung?What is dangerous cervical bone disease if you do not treat it promptly, the result of the disease may be brain circulation, weak and muscle atrophy, impaired function of the organs and internal systems. Bệnh cũng dẫn đến hạn chế tính di động của cột sống và mất độ nhạy của bàn tay.
Điều gì sẽ giúp với bệnh lý xương cổ tử cung rất tốt?Effective painkillers in the form of gel, ointment, tablet, injecting drugs in children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.
Một người cảm thấy gì với bệnh lý xương cổ tử cung?With cervical joint disease in the neck, areas with vembly muscle atrophy (muscle weight loss), reducing or increasing muscle melody of long muscles and violating statistics in the cervix can be recorded.
Why is cervical bone dangerous?The danger of cervical joint disease during the progression of osteoarthritis can develop ischemic, stroke and many other diseases that are dangerous to human life. Do đó, khi có bất kỳ triệu chứng nào liên quan đến bệnh này xuất hiện, nên tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ y tế.
Useful adviceCouncil No. 1Duy trì tư thế thích hợp và tránh ở lại ở vị trí sai của đầu để giảm tải trên cột sống cổ.
Council No. 2Regularly perform exercises for the neck and return to strengthen muscles and improve the flexibility of joints.
Council No. 3Avoid lifting weight without having an appropriate technique to not load the cervical spine and do not worsen joints.